Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lilies are one of the most dangerous flowers on earth for our cats. What’s truly scary is that one little nibble or lick has the ability to send a cat into acute kidney failure. These ornamental flowering plants are widely used in holiday celebrations, weddings, funerals, and especially popular for floral arrangements during Easter.
If you have some cats or kittens at home please be sure to never have lilies on the table or anywhere your cat can reach! (Let’s be honest, that means just about anywhere)

Sources for Poisoning

Lilies of genera Lilium and Hemerocallis (daylilies) have been shown to cause nephrotoxicity in cats,
Note: This is one of the most common kidney problems and occurs when your cat’s body is exposed to a drug or toxin that causes damage to your kidneys.
“Confusion arises because so many different plants are called lilies. Members of the genus Convallaria (lily of the valley), while sparing on the kidneys, elicit toxic effects because they possess potent cardiac glycosides similar to digitalis. Even more confusing as to which lilies are toxic is the fact that many hybrids exist.”

Mechanism of Action

It just takes a nibble of a leaf or a stem to cause problems. Cats are extremely sensitive to the toxic effects!
The Pet Poison Hotline tells us,
The exact toxin has not been identified, but is known to be water soluble. All parts of the plant – the leaf, pollen, stem, flower are considered poisonous. Kidney damage (specifically, renal tubular necrosis) occurs within 24-72 hours of ingestion.”

Common Signs of Poisoning

A single flower has been known to cause death, even the pollen is deadly! In cats, clinical signs include salivation, vomiting, anorexia, and depression.

Successful Treatment If Timely

The symptoms are so severe that many experts recommend rushing your cat to a vet emergency hospital or specialty clinic.
Successful treatment includes initiation of fluid diuresis before the onset of anuric renal failure. If acute kidney failure has occurred the treatment involves IV fluids, injectable medications, nutritional support, and close monitoring.
Lily toxicity is no laughing matter and if you have the slightest idea of a lily was ingested you should immediately rush your cat to the emergency vet hospital.

The ASPCA has a list of poisonous plants that all pet owners should be familiar with if they live with a cat or dog.
The types of lilies that should be on your radar include Asiatic, Easter, Japanese Show, rubrum, stargazer, red, tiger, Western, and wood lilies (Lilium species) and daylilies (Hemerocallis species).
Have you known any cats that nibbled on plants or flowers that needed medical attention?

40 Wholesome Photos Of Black Cats To Show They Are Pawsome!

People around the world often believe that black cats bring bad luck but we think they are absolutely purrfect! There are plenty of superstitions surrounding black cats and because of this black cats are statistically less likely to be adopted from shelters than their colorful counterparts. For instance, in the Middle Ages, cats were thought to have a close link to black magic and witchcraft. In fact, cats were thought to be witches in disguise! But not all places in the world feel this way, for instance in Scotland, a black cat arriving at your home is believe to bring prosperity. In Britain and Japan if a black cat crosses your path it is considered good luck. In ancient Egypt, black cats were considered good luck, protected you from disease, and gave a boost to your fertility.
So next time you adopt a new furry feline, please consider giving a black cat a forever home. If you’re still having second thoughts about black cats, try spending some time with one and they’ll be sure to change your mind!

Ooh someone is ready to pounce. All feet are in danger!

Twin black cats that like to sleep mirrored

Black cat looks like the white cat’s shadow

“Have you seen the pair of eyes I bought at the store?”

Oh My Gosh!


Construction workers put high-visual jacket on black cat so it doesn’t get hurt

Her first Swedish winter came as quite the surprise!

“I heard a noise coming from under the couch and this is what I saw when I looked down”

Those eyes are stunning!

Perfect camouflage


It’s Toothless!

He is not a devil. He is just a cat in flour

“This character has not been unlocked yet”

A little ball of darkness!

3:30am zoomies must be incredible

Soon there will be butt wiggles and pouncies

Black kitty enjoys some warm ground lighting


“I thought this photo I took of my black cat shows off how amazing their eyes are”

“This is what I saw when I woke from my nap…”

Oh my, cuteness overload!

Charades: Mouse attack? Eating corn? Telling a scary story? Dracula? Carved pumpkin?

Give the older shelter kitties a chance. Best hugs ever

Black maine coon is my dream cat, so much cute fluff <3

and next… world domination!

Jasper and Neil were a little dramatic about their recent vet visit

*hewwo human? wanna pway?

“Gave Jack a bath and now he’s doing that stereotypical black cat thing”

“This is voodoo, my bottle fed baby that I rescued”

A bat-cat ðŸ™‚

“My wife said she was making tacos for dinner and before I could blink, Obsidian pops out with lightning speed”

“Adopted this loaf two months ago! She still loves to rest her head on my hand”

Oh my heart! I so want a little black kitty…

mlem, mlem, and the “you said food, where’s the food??”


Whatever it is, get it off me… Is it still there?

Puss without boots…

“My heart just melted when I saw that in the subway”

Lilies are one of the most dangerous flowers on earth for our cats. What’s truly scary is that one little nibble or lick has the ability to...